This tutorial is from the book How to Paint Flowers and Plants by Janet Whittle.
The book is full of beautiful projects, and this snowdrop one was surprisingly easy! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Spoiler alert: here's how mine turned out!
These first few steps are recapped at the beginning of the video. I hadn't planned to make a video but it started turning out so beautiful!
Step one is the pencil sketch.
Step 2: Apply masking fluid to the flowers, leaves and stems.
Step 3: When the masking fluid is dry, Paint a watery mix of colours for the background. Be really free and have fun with this step!
Here's the rest of the tutorial in a video! Enjoy!
I hope you had fun with this turorial! I'd love to see what you made.
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PS Want to buy art like this? Check out my paintings for sale here!